Lanayru Mining Facility - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough (2024)

After you activate the generator in the desert, you gain access to the LanayruMining Facility.

  1. Get a Key
  2. Get the Gust Bellows
  3. Get the Map
  4. Get the Ancient Circuit
  5. Reach the Boss Door
  6. Moldarach
  7. Reach the Temple of Time

Get a Key

After you enter, you can save at the Bird Statue nearby.There are small spiders on the floor called Arachas. If they latch onto you,follow the on-screen instructions to shake them off.

Use the Beetle to pick up the bomb on the column and drop it on the Electro Spumes on the north side of the room. Then use the Beetle to drop a bomb into the basket of the northwest statue. (The other statues hide Arachas and a bluerupee.)

By running, you should be able to just barely make it to the northeast platform, where you can run up the wall and pull down thered bar. This opens the bars to a chest that contains a red rupee.

You should also be able to just barely make it to the northwest platformif you run. Go up the wall to pull down the red bar, to unlock thenorth door. Run back across thesand and go through that door.

There are two Staldras in here. Kill them by waiting for the heads tobe in a line, then slash in the direction of all three heads to hit allof them at the same time. Be ready to use a Shield Bash if the monster'seyes turn red, which indicates that it will attack.

After you kill the two Staldras, you can't go through the east or westdoors right now, so instead go to the northwest, where there are several boxes. Push a box against the platform so you can climb onto it, run up the wall, and reach the northdoor. Go through.

Save at the nearby Bird Statue if you wish,then look east to see two wooden crates at the base of a ladder. Use the Beetleto take a bomb and blow up those crates. Go toward the ladder, killing the Yellow Chuchu that attacks.Then run across the gap and climb up the ladder. Kill the Thunder Keese that attack, then open the chest to get a key. The nearby ladderis blocked at the top, and the other paths in this room are blocked, so just go back to the previous room.

Get the Gust Bellows

Use the key on the locked dooron the east side of the room.

A Froak is nearby. It floats around, and when it gets close to you, it becomes spiky. Froaks will explode when they touch a large solid object likethe wall, or you. You can use the Hook Beetle to knock into it andmake it explode.Go east until you reach an inactive conveyor belt going south. Go south along it and kill the Froakand the Arachas on the vines, then climb the vines.

Look to the west, toward the door that you entered through, andyou will see a column above the door with a bomb on it. Use the Beetle to takea bomb and drop it onto thewooden crate at the top of the ladder in the southwest corner of the room. Climb the ladder and step on theswitch. This removes the bars from a crystal, but if you walk off ofthe switch, the bars go back up, so use the Beetle to activate the crystal.

There are Beamos around the room now. To defeat them, slash their bodies in the direction of the blue line to destroy each segment, then stab the eyewith a forward thrust when the eye is on your level.

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Make your way east, killing Beamos and running to get past the rapidconveyor belts in the way. Climb up the ladder in the southeast of the roomand run up the wall to pull down the red bar, which removesthe bars from the door on the other side of the room.

Then go back down and run up the conveyor belt. Be sure to sidestep the lumpsof stone that get it your way, and pick up the green fruits so you don't runout of stamina. After you reach the other side, go west and go up the ladder,and getthe 20 rupees from the chest.

Then go up the stairs on the east side of the room and run up the conveyor belt to find a red bar switch near a tall Beamos. Cut the Beamos's segments by slashing in the direction of the blue line, then stab the eye with a forward thrust. Run up the wall to pull the red bar switch and unlock the door. Go through.

There are square platforms throughout the room. Make the Froaksfloat into the piles of rock by hitting them with the Slingshot. (They willonly explode if you hit them with the Slingshot when they are not spiky.) Then go up the ladder in the southeast corner of the room and jumpnorthwest over the square platforms, but be aware that the Froaks in this room will reappear a short time after they explode.

There is a blue chest in the northwest cornerof the room that contains a random treasure.

Climb up onto the north platform, thenjump to the platform on thewest side of the room and push the box off of the edge to give yourselfa shortcut. Then go to the platform on the north side of the room and climbup the ladder. Kill the Arachas that fall from the ceiling, then open the chestto getthe Gust Bellows.

Get the Map

Use the Gust Bellows to blow the Froaks away from you. Now you can use theGust Bellows to blow away the piles of sand that you have seen all over the place. Just be careful because some of the sand piles have Arachashidden inside. Go to the platform on the west side of the room, climbthe ladder, and blow thesand away to go through the door.

Push the box to the side to move it out of the way of the ladder. Then go downthe ladder and go through the south door.

Go to the northeast corner of the room and kill the Arachas, thenblow away the sand around the metal box,and blow the other piles of sand away to reveal a switch. Push the box ontothe switch. This opens the locked west door. Go through.

In this sandy area, make your way across by running to the nearby platforms,avoiding Froaks and Arachas on the way. You will reach some bars thatyou can't open. Make your way from platform to platform, until you reachthe southeast platform, which has a big pile of sand on it.Blow the big pile of sand away to reveal a crystal. Activate it.

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There are platforms with blue and red magnet-shaped weather vanes on top. If you blow one side, it makes the platform move one way. If you blowthe other side, it makes the platform move the other way.

Jump onto the nearby platform and use the Gust Bellows to move it west. Thengo north and use the Gust Bellows to move the northern platform close to you.Jump onto it and use the Gust Bellows to move the platform so you can reach theblue chest on the nearby platform. It contains a Monster Horn.

Get back on the movable platform, and move it south again. Go to the bars inthe wall, and use the Gust Bellows on the pinweel (also known as a propeller)above the bars, until the bars open all the way (if you stop before they openall the way, they won't stay open).There is a Beamos rolling back and forth in this area. You can kill it by cuttingits segments in the direction of the blue line, then stabbing its eyewith a forward thrust. Or you can just run behind it and wait for it to go past the ladder. Climb down the ladder.

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There is a Sentrobe nearby. To kill it, use a Shield Bash or swing yoursword when it shootsa missile at you. After the missile hits it, the Sentrobe will send out twoSentrobe bombs. You can kill them by cutting them in the direction of theblue line on their bodies. After that, you can use another Shield Bashor sword swingto knock the missile back at the Sentrobe, killing it. Sentrobes drop manyrupees when they die, but in this area, most of them will probablyfall into the pit.

There is a movable platform on the west side of the room. Use the Gust Bellows to make it move to the ledge where you canjump across to it. Standon it and move it to the west side of the room and jump across to the other side.Climb the ladder and kill the Beamos. Then use the Gust Bellowson the pinwheel on the wall to raise the bars all the way, then go throughthe door.

Kill the two Staldras, then blow the sand off of the metal box, blow away the pile of sand in its path,and move the metal box to the far end of its path. Use it to reach the top of the wallabove. Use the Gust Bellows to blow the Arachas off of the ledges on thewestside of the room, and blow the sand off of the Amber Relic in the corner. Then go back to the north ledge. Blow through the bars to get rid of thesand that hides a crystal. Use the Slingshot to activate it.

There is now an Armos Statue next to the door. Go into the circular areaaround it to make it come to life. Back away while holding the Gust Bellows.Blow air at the weather vane switch on the statue's head to reveal twopurple crystals. One of the crystals can only be destroyed with a forwardthrust, and the other just needs to be hit with the sword in any direction.After you destroy the first crystal, run away and then repeat the process,using the Gust Bellows to reveal the second crystal so you can destroy itwith the sword.

Once you kill the statue, the bars will be raised and you can go up andopen the chest. It contains the dungeon map.

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Get the Ancient Circuit

Go through the east door.

Step on the nearby blue switch to raise the bars.

Roll bombs at the Electro Spumes to get rid of them from a distance.

There is a narrow safe path submerged in the sand. Use the map to see itand walk along it. When the path is going west, blow away the sand against thewest wall to find a small tunnel. Crawl through it, using the map to help you see where to go. At the end, beware of the Arachas on the ceiling. Blow away the sand to find anAmber Relic. Open the chest to get a random treasure.

Go back to the big sand room and use the hidden sand paths to reachthe ledge to the north. Blow away the sand to find an Amber Relic, andpossibly a bluerupee (not guaranteed to be there).

Then go south from there and go to the other pile of sand against the westwall. Blow it away to find anotherhidden passage behind the sand in the west wall. Use the map to see which way tocrawl through the passage, then go into the new room. Drop down tothe floor.

Blow the sand away from the floor to find a safe path through the spikes.There is a switch on the west side of the room and a chest in thenorthwest corner that contains a red rupee. Press the switch to removethe bars from the door. Go through that door.

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Use the Gust Bellows to blow the sand away from the mine cart. Then you canactivate it by standing on the side and doing a forward thrust with yoursword. You can't get rid of the pile of rock on top.

The cart will automatically move. If you need to bring it back to the start, pull down the red bar near its starting point. Follow it, standing on the platforms thatappear. When the cart reaches the bars, it stays there. The Sentrobe isactivated, so use Shield Bashes or sword swingsto hit the missiles back at it, and when theSentrobe Bombs float down, kill them by slashing in the direction of theblue line on their bodies.

After the Sentrobe is gone, use the pinwheel to open the bars all the way.

Walk along the platforms that appear. Walk on the side of the cart oppositefrom the Beamos so that the beam hits the mine cart instead of you. There isa Beamos up ahead that blocks the mine cart. Kill it to allow the mine cartto continue.

Up ahead, stay on the other side of the mine cart to avoid the two Beamos,then go across the platforms and run up the wall to pull the switch, causingthe mine cart to come to the end of the path. Open the door by blowingair at the pinwheel.

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Save at the Bird Statue, then go back through the bars that you opened. Go to the east side of the room and blow away the sand. Ignore the nearby ladderfor now; a metal crate is blocking it. Go to the side of themine cart and hit the crystal with a forward thrust to activate it.Follow the mine cart andhide behind it as necessary to avoid the Beamos. When the cart goes near the pinwheel, quickly blow air at it to raise the bars back where the Beamoswas.

Run up the wall to pull the red bar and make the cart go to the end of itspath.Then stab the crystal inside with a couple offorward thrusts to deactivate and then reactivate it, making it go in theother direction. Before the Beamos is reactivated, run into the areabehind it that you unlocked when you raised the bars earlier.Go through the door.

Go across the conveyor belt, wait for the air to stop blowing across your path, and make the Arachas fall off of thevines. There are shadows on the vines that show where the air vents will blow.Make your way to the right, avoiding the air vents, then climb up when theair stops blowing.

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Kill the Thunder Keese and look at the south wall. There are some statues on the wallholding baskets, so throw a bomb into each basket. Go to the pile of sandon the other side and blow it away to find a crystal. Activate it.

Jump back across the platforms and kill the Beamos, then go north and runup the wall to pull the red bardown, making the movable platform come over to you. Use the platform togo all the way west, then kill the Sentrobe. Bomb the basket platformsto reveal the pattern 2-3-1.

Blow air at the other movable platform to move it south to where you canreach it. Jump onto it and move it north. Move the crate to the side so that you can reach theladder.

If you need bombs, hit the nearby barrels. Then get onto the eastern platform and move it south, and throw a bomb into each of the three statues' baskets.They can be knocked down in any order. Each one has a switch behind it. You need to hit the switchesin the right order, BUT the order is mirrored from what was shown on theother wall. So the first one to hit is on the LEFT, the second one tohit is on the RIGHT, and the final one is in the middle. (Eachnumber on the opposite wall refers to the switch directly across from it,which is why it's mirrored.)

When you do it correctly, the bars open. Go through and defeat the twoArmos statues, Staying away from the middle in order to prevent bothstatues from coming to life at the same time. Kill them the way you did the other one: blow air at the spinning switch on its head to reveal thepurple crystals, then hit the crystal with the sword, using a forwardthrust to break the crystal inside of the mouth.

After you kill the Armos Statues, go through the bars to open thechest and receive the Ancient Circuit. Go back the way you came and go down the ladder, and kill the Beamos that is going back and forth. Then go to theconveyor belt and carefully run west along it, avoiding the air vent and the rocks while picking up Stamina fruit. Go through the door at the end.

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Reach the Boss Door

Look south and go up the nearby ladder. Go to the end of the path, killing Thunder Keesealong the way, to find a chest that contains 20 rupees. Then go to the nearbymetal crate and pull it to unblock the ladder.

Then go to the northeast corner of the room and save at the Bird Statue if youwish.

Activate the crystal inthe mine cart with a forward thrust into the side. Then you have tostand on the movable platform and blow it across slowly while making sure that the mine cart is next to you, blocking the gusts of air that blow out of thewall.

Once you make it across, you can pull down the red bar to make the mine cartreach the end of the path, which removes the barrier from in front of the bossdoor. Use the Ancient Circuit to unlock the door. Rotateit so that the shape matches the slot in the door. The door will glow whenthe Ancient Circuit is positioned properly. Press the indicated button to put the AncientCircuit into the lock and go through the door.

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First, you have to destroy the claws. To do this, hit the eyes in the clawsby slashing in the direction that isn't blocked by the pincers.If an eye turns red, run away to avoid getting hit. If you getcaught in the pincers, follow the on-screen instructions to escape.

After hitting the pincer eyes enough times, the claws will be destroyed.

Now you have to do a forward thrust into the main eye. You will needto wait for it to turn red and quickly stab it before Moldarach attacks. Run away ifthe stinger is about to stab you. If Moldarach disappearsunder the sand, look to see where the sand is moving, then use theGust Bellows to blow the sand away and make Moldarach pop out. If you are notquick enough, it may try to hit you with its stinger from under the sand. If Moldarachcloses its eye, run away avoid it when it charges forward. Watch outfor Arachas that may appear during the battle.

Otherwise,keepdoing forward thrusts at the main eye until Moldarach dies.

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Reach the Temple of Time

After the Heart Container appears, the sand will drain out of this roomand you will end up at the bottom. Get the Heart Container and go throughthe door.

You need to activate a crystal to go down this big hallway, butthere isn't one nearby. Look at the ceiling in the middle of the longhallway and you will see the crystal. Use the Beetle to activate it, thenjump into the mine cart. Go through the door on the other side to reachthe Temple of Time.

After the cutscene, you will know that your next destination is theSealed Grounds.

You can use the Beetle to get the rupees from the columns in this area,and use the Gust Bellows to blow away the sand and get an Amber Relic, rupees, and Lanayru Ants.

Go east and save at the Bird Statue. You can use the Gust Bellows on the sandpiles to the south to find rupees and another Amber Relic. Then go talk to Gorko if you wish. Then use the Bird Statue togo back to the Sky, where you can prepare before returning to the SealedGrounds.

Lanayru Mining Facility - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough (2024)
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