Self-service & short codes (2024)

Short codes give you access to your account details, plans and services, fast and free.

How short codes work

  • Simply dial the short code to get the information you need.
  • Non-T-Mobile self-service short codes are not supported on select plans.
  • Codes401, 403, 405, 409, 440, 441, 443, 444, 445, 455, 456, 457, 459, and 462 are T-Mobile Alerts.
  • Codes1016, 1017, 2294, 2295, 2296, 2297, 2512, 2513, 2518, 2519, 2520, 2954, 2958, and 25101 are T-Mobile campaigns.
  • Other codes used by T-Mobile include 500, 889, 909, 1112, 1115, 1167, 1511, 2903, 2957, 3340, 3700-4299, 5116, 5125, 5126, 5127, 5128, 5129, 6245, 6400,6772, 7726, 8040, 8900, 9701-9901, 25107, 611611, and 444442000-444442999.
  • Messages sent to 456 may receive a response back to let you know it isn't a monitored channel and to contact our Messaging department.
  • Most short codes are only delivered to the primary SIM card and may not display in the DIGITS Web Client, DIGITS App, Data with Paired DIGITS, DIGITS Talk and Text, PROXY by DIGITS, or LineLink DIGITS lines.
  • Short codes are country specific.
    • In each country, a short code has a different service running on it, so a service that is supported on 55555 in the U.S. supports a different service in Germany.
    • While overseas, you will not receive short code messages.

Account & mobile device information

Use these short codes to Pay your bill,Check your usage, manage Voicemail and Unlimited video streaming with Binge On® settings, plus so much more!

Account and device info
Short codeWhat it does
#BAL# (#225#)Provides account balance and last payment
#BNG# (#264#)Check the status of Binge On™
#BOF# (#263#)Turn off Binge On
#BON# (#266#)To on Binge On
#FAM# (#326#)Check Family Allowance usage

#MIN# (#646#)

Check minute usage
#MSG# (#674#)Check message usage
#WEB# (#932#)

Check data used, data plan, and expiration date

Use the T-Mobile app for the most up-to-date information

#NUM# (#686#)Display your phone number
*PAY (*729)Allows you to pay over the phone
#PWD# (#793#)Reset voicemail password
#PWO# (#796#)Turn the voicemail password on or off
#ROF# (#763#)Turn off international data roaming

#RON# (#766#)

Turn on international data roaming
*#06#Display device IMEI number
*#9999#Check software version (Motorola and Samsung)
*#0000#Check software version (Nokia)

Call services

Change the way you use your Calling services and Voicemail.

Call services
Short codeWhat it does
##004#Resets call forwarding to default.
**21*1+PhoneNumber#Turn on unconditional forwarding (CFU) to a number (prevents calls to your number)
##21#Turn off unconditional forwarding
#31#1+PhoneNumberShow name and number on outgoing calls
*31#1+PhoneNumberHide name and number on outgoing calls
**61*1+PhoneNumber#Turn on forwarding if no reply (CF NRY) to a number (unanswered calls ring to alternate number)
##61#Turn off forwarding if no reply
**62*1+PhoneNumber#Turn on when not reachable (CF NRC) (unanswered calls ring to another number when device is off or out of signal range)
##62#Turn off call forwarding when not reachable
**67*1+PhoneNumber#Turn on call forwarding when busy (CFB) (occurs if receiving a call while dialing out)
##67#Turn off call forwarding when busy

Change call forwarding delay time. Choose a 5, 10, 15, up to a 30-second delay. For example, dialing **61*18056377243**10# would be a 10-second delay.

*43#Turn on call waiting
#43#Turn off call waiting
*671+PhoneNumberBlocks outgoing Caller ID on a per-call basis. This doesn't restrict your information when you dial certain business numbers, including 911, 900 numbers, or toll-free numbers.
#432#Caller ID status check
#436#Turn on inbound Caller ID name display
#437#Turn off inbound Caller ID name display


Check your account balance details, Refill your prepaid account, and manage Unlimited video streaming with Binge On®.

Prepaid codes
Short codeWhat it does
*ADD (*233) or *PAY (*729)Call Customer Care
#BAL# (#225#)Check account service cycle
#999#Check account balance
#WEB# (#932#)Check data used, data plan, and expiration date
*182Call collect (1-800 COLLECT)
#MEX# (#639#)Check minute balance for the Mexico 1000 minute bucket included with Stateside International w/Mobile
#MIN# (#646#)Check minute usage for the current cycle
#NUM# (#686#)Displays the mobile number

Scam ID & Scam Block codes

Manage postpaid and prepaid settings easily with short codes.

Scam ID and Scam Block codes
Short codeWhat it does
#ONI# (#664#)
Turn on Scam ID
#634#Turn off Scam ID
#ONB# (#662#)Turn on Scam Block
#OFB# (#632#)

Turn off Scam Block

#STS (#787#)

Show Scam Block status


Use these short codes to adjust settings forT-Mobile LineLink devices.

LineLink codes
Short codeWhat it does
411Call the directory
611Call Customer Care
911Emergency call


Activate unconditional call forwarding. Example: *72 (206) 111-1111
*73Deactivate and erase unconditional call forwarding
*42DNActivate no reply conditional call forwarding
*93Deactivate no reply conditional call forwarding
*67DNActivate Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) for outgoing call
*82DNDeactivate Activate Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) for outgoing call

Self-service options in the automated call system

Dial 611 from any T-Mobile device and use short phrases with the automated call system to make payments, get usage balances, and more. Call1-800-866-2453or check out the contact us page for more ways to reach us.

Self-service options

You can complete the following (and more!) in the automated call system by speaking key words like those listed below:

Example key words to use to in the automated call system.
  • EIP balance
  • Recent account events
  • Change address
  • Change billing format
  • Change mobile number
  • Check usage
  • Get billing cycle end date
  • Make payment
  • Set up payment arrangement
  • Copy of my bill
  • Set up or change AutoPay
  • Suspend or restore

If you verify and validate a one-time PIN (OTP), you can change these additional items:

  • PIN (No Credit Check/Pay in Advance accounts)
  • SIM card (Postpaid/No Credit Check accounts)
  • Billing address (Postpaid/No Credit Check accounts)
Self-service & short codes (2024)


What are short codes on my phone bill? ›

A short code is a special telephone number designed for high-throughput, two-way messaging. Short codes are used to send and receive SMS and MMS messages to and from mobile phones.

What is short code service? ›

Short code (also called short numbers, Common Short Code, or CSC) messaging is commonly used to send business text messages and marketing campaigns to a user's mobile device. A short code is a specialized five to six-digit phone number used in one-way SMS and MMS messaging.

What does ##004 do? ›

Conditional (same method for Android devices)

This number is an internationally recognised code. No one will answer when you call it, but it will turn off conditional forwarding on your phone. It will reset your phone to its default phone settings.

What is the *#62 code used for? ›

*#62# ➡️ To Check Call Forwarding

To see the current call forwarding status, dial *#62#, and it will tell you if call forwarding is enabled and, if so, to which number calls are being forwarded. This lets you check that no unauthorized diversions have been set up on your line.

Why would someone use a short code to text? ›

Short codes are a great SMS marketing tool for sending text blasts or mass text messaging campaigns, but they can also do so much more. Companies and organizations use short codes for: Sending discounts or deals to contacts: Short codes' fast delivery rates make them ideal for time-sensitive discounts.

Do cheaters use short codes? ›

Here are some cheating codes to look out for: ASL/ASLP: Age/Sex/Location or Age/Sex/Location/Picture. This is usually used as an introduction or for a hook-up. NSFS: Not Suitable for Spouse.

What are 5 digit text numbers on my phone bill? ›

What is an SMS shortcode? An SMS shortcode is a 5 digit number to which an SMS text message can be sent. Shortcodes are often used by businesses to allow customers to opt-in to their SMS campaigns, alert services, or to enter SMS competitions.

What is an example of a short code? ›

Codes are five digits in length. Short codes will start with either a "3" or "4". For example, 34001 or 42001. Each short code or short code range (a range will generally be 34000 to 34009) are assigned specific tariffs or end user prices (EUP).

What does ## 3282 do? ›

Billing Cycle: 3282

This prompts an SMS message with billing info such as when the billing cycle started, total plan usage (even by line if your account has more than one), and if you've gone over your data allotment. 3282 spells DATA. Like above, each carrier has its own format: AT&T: *3282# and Verizon: #3282.

What happens if you dial *#31? ›

dialing *31# by itself sets the "Network Default" to block outgoing caller ID, whereas prefixing *31# on a number is a one time "allow" if the default is currently set to block.

What does *#21 do to your phone? ›

Dialing *#21# on a GSM network like AT&T or T-Mobile will tell you whether your calls and messages are being diverted to another number. Call **21* if you use Verizon, US Cellular, or another CDMA network to discover any unconditional call forwarding settings that may be used to tap your phone.

What does *# 002 do to your phone? ›

If you dial ##002# on your phone, it cancels all forwarding settings, ensuring that calls won't be redirected to other numbers.

What does *99 mean on a phone? ›

*99. Click to enlarge. Checks voicemail for the line assigned to the phone.

What does the code *# 0 *# do? ›

In Samsung Android phone, *#0*# "Service Mode" or "Test Mode." This menu provides access to various hardware and software tests and diagnostic tools, allowing users and technicians to check the functionality of different phone components such as the screen, sensors, camera, speakers, and more.

What are cell phone short codes? ›

Short codes, or short numbers, are short digit-sequences - significantly shorter than telephone numbers - that are used to address messages in the Multimedia Messaging System (MMS) and short message service (SMS) systems of mobile network operators. In addition to messaging, they may be used in abbreviated dialing.

Who uses SMS short codes? ›

People opt into SMS marketing programs by texting a word or phrase known as a "keyword" to a short code. They are meant to be shorter than normal phone numbers to make the opt-in process easier. Additionally, short codes are capable of sending extremely high volumes of text messages in a short period of time.

What is the difference between SMS and short code? ›

The main difference is that an SMS long code is a 10 digit number that can be used to send SMS messages, plus send and receive faxes or calls. SMS short codes are different because they are 5-6 digits and can only send and receive texts. Marketers today have more ways to reach customers than they ever have before.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.