The X-Files : The Walkthrough King (2024)

April 2

Field Office

Talk to your partner, Agent Cook (it doesn't matter how you act here), then follow him to his office and talk to him some more. Turn left and go to your office, then sit down in your chair and the phone will ring. Pick it up to talk to Shanks. Leave your office and go to his office to speak to both Shanks and Skinner. When you are finished, leave the office and act casual with your partner. Go to Cook's office again and ask him to take your cases.

Go back to your office and sit down in your chair, then turn to the left and look at everything on your notice board. Now use the computer, and enter your name (Craig Willmore) and your password (Shiloh, from the noticeboard). Click on APB, then click Send. Read your emails and delete them when you are done. Leave the computer, and look at the documents given to you by Skinner. Try to call both Mulder and Scully on their cell phones (1-202-555-0160 and 1-202-555-0194) but they don't answer.

Open your desk drawer and get the gun, badge and cuffs. Play with the tape dispenser on your desk, then pick up the case files (read them if you like). Leave your office and visit Cook again. Talk to him, then give him the files. Leave his office and talk to Skinner again, then go to the conference room and take everything from the cabinet. Now look at your PDA and click on Everett, then the Comity Inn.

Comity Inn

Talk to the girl at the desk, then show her your badge and she will take you to the rooms. Look at everything in Mulder's room (case file, brochure, drinks, book - you will take this, television, sunflower seeds, newspaper). Go through to Scully's room and talk to Skinner, then look at everything here (bible, laptop, television). Look at the laptop, and try anything for the password. Ask Skinner, but he won't know what the correct password is. If you have searched thoroughly enough, a phone icon will appear at the top of the screen while you are talking to Skinner - click on this and you will suggest looking at the phone records. Leave the rooms and talk to the girl at the desk again. Use the phone icon again and look at the phone records. Go back to your car and return to the Seattle Field Office.

Field Office

Return to your office and you will set down the laptop. Sit in your chair and look at your PDA notes to remind yourself of the phone numbers (202-555-0149 and 206-555-0182) and car license plate (621517). Log in to your computer and use the ING function to look up the phone numbers and the license plate. Call the numbers using your cell phone, then call Computer Crimes using the menu on your cell phone. Head to the conference room and talk to Skinner, then use your PDA to go to the Dockside Warehouse.

Dockside Warehouse

Walk around to the right, to the back of the dock, and note the phone number on the back wall (206-555-0131). Walk back to Skinner out the front, and use your lockpick on the padlock. Inside the warehouse, you need to find several items in the main room. Just right from the entrance, look at the crates and try to open them. Now head across the room and find a bullet in a post - use your evidence kit to remove it. Look down at the floor here and collect some blood as well. Go over and look in the barrels, but they are empty. Head to the right end of the room and find a cigarette butt on the floor - again use your evidence kit.

Now head to the office where Skinner is searching. Talk to him about everything, then head upstairs to a dark area. Use your flashlight to continue until you find a toolbox and can take a crowbar from it. Go back downstairs and into the main warehouse area. Use the crowbar on the closed crates to open one of them, then get a sample using your evidence kit. Now go to the back right of the warehouse and follow the passage to go outside. Show your badge, then talk to the guy on the boat about everything. Return to Skinner and talk to him about everything, then head out the front of the warehouse. Approach the car that has been following you, and take a photo of the license plate as it drives away. Return to your car and drive to the Crime Lab.

Crime Lab

Talk to the guy here (Amis), then give him the bullet, blood, cigarette and powder. Return to the Field Office.

Field Office

Enter your office and log on to your computer. Download the photos and get the license number for the car (240-EAK). Do a search for this in the ING, and you will find it is restricted data in the Government/Military database. Next search for the fisherman (Wong) and you see he has a long criminal record. Try checking the phone number from the warehouse, but it doesn't come up with anything.

Use your PDA to forward the latest field notes to Skinner and Shanks, then go and find Skinner in the conference room. Talk to him about everything, then he will have to go back to Washington. Return to your office and Cook will come in to find you - don't accept his help, it is better to do everything yourself. Leave your office and head back to the warehouse.

Dockside Warehouse

Once the men have gone inside, go around the back of the warehouse and pick the lock. Head inside and use your night vision to make your way to the entrance of the passage, so you can see the men lifting something out of a hatch in the floor. Once they have left, go over and look in the hatch to find it empty. Send your new PDA notes to Skinner and Shanks, then go to your apartment.


Look around a bit if you want to, then go to bed.

April 3


When you wake up, go outside and head straight to the warehouse.

Dockside Warehouse

Show your badge to the cop to be let inside the crime scene. Talk to the medical examiner and the photographer, then look at Wong's body and the cigarette next to him. Talk to Sgt Astadourian about everything, then you will go aboard the Agrippa. Look down in the fish locker, then go into the cabin and find a yellow slicker and some pills in a cupboard. Go back outside and talk to Astadourian again. When the harbor master returns, talk to him, then use your PDA to follow him to the Tarakan.


Look up at the hull from here to see a break in the railing. Board the ship and start by heading downstairs. In the back of this area you will find a large lead sphere inside a closed chest. Take this, then find several crates nearby with the logo of a phoenix on them. Go up one level and find 2 books in Russian - a payroll book and a journal. Go outside here to look at the burned hull. Go up another level and you will find Astadourian. Talk to her about the objects you have found so far (including the outlines of bodies on the deck outside), and let her handle the translation of the books. Look at the fingerprints in front of her, then phone John Amis to have him lift them. Now Astadourian will be told the coroner wants to see her, so use your PDA to go there.

Coroner's Office

Enter the autopsy room and look at the body, then look at the trays next to the body and get the bullet. Talk to the coroner about everything, including the Tarakan, and you will discover the bodies have been stolen. Astadourian will now claim she is your new partner. Head to the Crime Lab.

Crime Lab

Talk to Amis, then give him the bullet and the sphere. Next go to the Field Office.

Field Office

Go over to Cook and wake him up. Go straight to the cabinet and open it to find Scully's laptop has been taken. Next head to your office and pick up the phone to get a message from DC. Talk to Cook when he enters, then log on to your computer. Look up media on Tarakan, then leave the office and head home.


Log on to your computer and read your mail from Amis. Click on the attachment and search your databases to find out that Cook's fingerprints were on the boat. Log off and go to your front door to let Cook inside. Talk to him calmly, then tell him what he wants to hear. Ask him about the fingerprints, then when he leaves, send all your new notes to Skinner and Shanks using your PDA. Go back to the warehouse.

Dockside Warehouse

Approach the parked truck and note the name on the door - Gordon's Hauling. Climb in the driver's side door and look in the glove box - take the piece of paper that says RR#1121 82434. You will now see someone coming up the driver's side, so quickly climb out the passenger door and the truck will drive away. Return to your apartment.


Log on to your computer and look at the mail from the harbor master. Check the numbers in the databases, then try calling them with your phone. Go to bed.

April 4


You will awaken to hear someone knocking on your, and automatically let Astadourian inside. While her video is rewinding, talk to her about everything. Watch the video, then go and pick up the fax that arrives for you. Talk to Astadourian about everything again, and show her the fax you just received. She will now suggest going to the Coroner's office.

Coroner's Office

Ask the Coroner about everything possible, then leave and go to Gordon's Hauling in Charno.

Gordon's Hauling

Go through the gate and into the building. Pick up the shovel, then get the paper from the floor to your right. After you are locked in the room, Astadourian will discover a bomb. Quickly use the shovel to beat out the vent panel on the left near the floor, and escape. Talk to Astadourian again, then send your PDA notes to Skinner and Shanks. Go home.


Check your email, then go to bed.

April 5


Get up and head into the office.

Field Office

Enter the conference room and talk to Cook, then go with him to the new warehouse.

Smolnikoff's Warehouse

After you arrive and are shot at, get Cook to give you cover, then head into the warehouse with your gun at the ready. Shoot the 3 guys here, then climb up the stairs and kill two more. On the top floor, find a spiral staircase and head down right next to it to find Smolnikoff. Cook will come in to book him, and tell you about a gun downstairs. Go back to the ground floor and find the gun. Look through the logbook on the table here, and note several crates with the logo of the phoenix. Return to Smolnikoff and ask him about everything. Also ask Cook about everything, then go to the Crime Lab.

Crime Lab

Give the gun to Amis and he will find that the bullets match. Return to the warehouse.

Smolnikoff's Warehouse

Talk to Smolnikoff about the gun again, and Cook will take him away. After Amis calls, go home.


Straight after you arrive, there will be a knock at the door - open it to let Astadourian inside. Talk to her, then listen to your phone messages. Check your email and run the fingerprints to find they belong to a Government/Military person and are restricted. Go to bed.

April 6


Wake up and head straight to Sand Point Hangar 4.

Sand Point

Go through one of the open doors from the middle of the hanger and you will meet X. Talk to him, and be polite and answer his questions promptly, or you will die. Once you have the weapon, do not follow him - instead turn around and Astadourian will be there. Go with her to Gold Bar.

Presbyterian Hospital

Talk to the doctor here, showing your badge and correctly identifying Dana Scully and Walter Skinner as relevant names. Ask her about everything else, then proceed into Scully's room. Tell Scully your name and that you don't know the name of the man who sent you, then quickly show her the weapon when she threatens to call for help. Talk to her about everything, then leave and go to the train yard.

Rural Route 1121

Go straight ahead until you find a telephone pole you can climb. At the top, use your binoculars to spot the correct car, then climb down again. Walk to the car and enter it to discover it recently held a fire. Look around, then leave the car and you will find a homeless man trying to break into your car. Talk to him, and he will eventually give you a videotape. Return to your field office.

Field Office

When you reach your office, put the tape in the reader and you will watch the video. Run an ING search on the captured picture of the surgeon to identify him as Colonel Rauch. When the video conferencing pops up, click on connect and talk to the 3 men. Now look at your PDA, email all your notes to Skinner and Shanks, then head to Alaska.

April 7

Rauch's House

After the guy leaves, enter the house and go upstairs. Look at the body and try to talk to it, but you get no response. Pull the little skeleton hanging from the ceiling to lower a ladder, then climb up to find Mulder. Talk to him until your phone rings, then answer it to talk to Scully. Some NSA guys will arrive outside and Mulder asks you to keep them busy. Go outside and talk to them, then turn around and run away. After you are chased into the woods, go right and then straight twice, and hide in the tree hollow. You will automatically drive to the secret base.


You will meet up with Scully in the entrance of the base. Go forward until you find an operating room, and pick up the cattle prod from a side table. Cook will enter and hit you from behind - as he is talking to you, grab the cattle prod and you will zap him. Now keep walking until you find Mulder, but he has been taken over by the alien. Don't talk to him, instead tell Scully to run. Turn right when you can, and shoot the guy, then return to where you zapped Cook, shooting another guy on the way. Keep going to find a glass room within another room, and go to the back of the area to find Scully.

Head to the central room of the complex which is glowing with electricity occasionally. Push the button here, then return to where you left Scully room and pull the green button there. Now go back to the glass room and open the door on each end. Enter the other small room off this room with your gun ready, then turn left and walk around until you see a guy - shoot him. Search his body to get a key, then Mulder will be upon you. Run back to the big room (there is only one path you can take to get there safely) and lure him through the glass room, then close the door behind you. Cook will take you to the double-key area and have you turn the key. Instead of doing this, throw the weapon to Scully and she will kill him.

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The X-Files : The Walkthrough King (2024)


What is the most disturbing episode of The X-Files? ›

There is no happy ending, the good guys didn't win, and the bad guys are still out there, ready to – as Mrs. Peaco*ck states – “begin again”." Critics have also named "Home" one of the scariest installments of the series.

What episodes of The X-Files did Stephen King write? ›

"Chinga" is the tenth episode of the fifth season of the American science fiction television series The X-Files. It was written by noted author Stephen King and series creator Chris Carter, and directed by Kim Manners. The episode aired in the United States on February 8, 1998, on the Fox network.

What is the funniest episode of The X-Files? ›

And as much as we love Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose, Jose Chung's From Outer Space is the series' finest hour. It's also by far the funniest episode of the entire show. Subsequent episodes may have taken the wrong lessons from Jose Chung as most of the comedy X-Files stories veered too heavily into self-parody.

What was the catchphrase on The X-Files? ›

Like 'Apology is Policy,' you know, 'Oh, we're sorry about the POWs,' as though that exonerates them." Several taglines were used to advertise The X-Files: Fight the Future, most frequently including "Fight the Future".

What is the banned episode of X-Files? ›

"Home," an episode from the fourth season of The X-Files, shocked viewers with its graphic content including incest and infanticide. The episode was barred from airing on television for three years and became the first in the series to receive a TV-MA rating.

What was the most watched X-Files episode? ›

The season's twelfth episode, "Leonard Betts", was chosen as the Fox lead-out program following Super Bowl XXXI, and was viewed by 29.1 million viewers, making it the highest-rated episode in the series' run.

How was Mulder written out of X Files? ›

Production. After David Duchovny fulfilled his contractual obligations with the show's seventh season, he felt that there was not much else to do with the character. Fox Mulder's abduction was thus devised by Chris Carter in the seventh-season finale "Requiem" as a way of allowing the actor to leave the series.

Who wrote the best X Files episodes? ›

The best writers of "the X Files"
  1. Darin Morgan. Producer. Writer. ...
  2. David Duchovny. Actor. Producer. ...
  3. Chris Carter. Writer. Producer. ...
  4. Glen Morgan. Producer. Writer. ...
  5. James Wong. Producer. Writer. ...
  6. Frank Spotnitz. Producer. Writer. ...
  7. Vince Gilligan. Producer. Writer. ...
  8. William Gibson. Writer The Miracle Worker (1962)

When was The X-Files Cancelled? ›

The X-Files is an American science fiction drama television series created by Chris Carter. The original television series aired from September 1993 to May 2002 on Fox. During its original run, the program spanned nine seasons, with 202 episodes.

What was The X-Files spin-off? ›

The Lone Gunmen series

The Lone Gunmen, a spin-off of the popular series The X-Files, is a television show that aired on the Fox network, featuring the characters of the same name. The show first aired in March 2001 and, despite good reviews, was canceled due to a drop in ratings. The last episode aired in June 2001.

What episode did Ryan Reynolds play in X-Files? ›

Syzygy (The X-Files)
Production code3X13
Original air dateJanuary 26, 1996
Running time44 minutes
Guest appearances
9 more rows

What was the best season of The X-Files? ›

1 Season 3 (1995–1996)

In one of the series' best season finales, "Anasazi," Mulder and Scully scramble to decipher a Department of Defense encrypted file containing top-secret extraterrestrial information.

What was the scariest episode of The X-Files? ›

“Home” is notorious as one of the scariest, grossest, most unnerving episodes of The X-Files. The only episode to air with a viewer warning, and the only episode to only air once on Fox before being banned.

What did Scully whisper to Mulder? ›

That's my choice.” She paused, looked around at the empty church, before whispering her hope for her future in his ear. “That's not my 4-year-old self looking for a miracle,” she said. “That's my leap of faith forward. And I'd like to do it together.”

Why was Burt Reynolds in The X-Files? ›

Casting. Burt Reynolds was chosen for "Improbable" after he expressed his desire to appear in an episode of The X-Files to Robert Patrick.

What is the scariest episode of X-Files Season 1? ›

Mulder and Scully search for a humanoid killer whose savage murder spree reoccurs every 30 years. Squeeze is without a doubt, the scariest episode in the series. Mulder and Scully investigate three murders in Maryland. In each case, the victim's liver has been removed from their body and seemingly stolen.

Which X-Files episode is rated 18? ›

Infamous for being the only ever X-files episode to be given the English '18' rating The Calusari is a captivating story of exorcism and demonic possession.

Is X-Files appropriate for 12 year olds? ›

Parent and Kid Reviews

It's probably best for pre-teens, but if your child is fine with aliens and the occasional site of blood, they'd be fine.

Who is the main villain in The X-Files? ›

The Cigarette Smoking Man (abbreviated CSM or C-Man; sometimes referred to as Cancer Man or the Smoking Man) is a fictional character and one of the primary antagonists of the American science fiction drama television series The X-Files. He serves as the arch-nemesis of FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.